you looks more happier with them. with your friends, your community.. i won't blame you but why you looks unhappy when you were with me ? and when i said our relationship should be ended, you mad at me, u don't wanna broke up with me. you're so confusing
Karena ane bingung sama bahasa Inggris,,,, jadi kesimpulannya ini kisah pasangan yang membingungkan. Hehehe.
He loved you but he didn't know how to show it He thought you were fine with it He loved you but then he realized it wasn't enough Because you want something more than love He loved you but he knew you expect something he couldn't give And someone out there is able to provide what you need He's drown into jealousy but he's never good with words And now he knows you want it end, his anger bursts Men are confusing indeed But so are women We can always try harder But we will always hurt each other I was like him and probably he thought he way I did =)
actually mungkin yang salah ada di ente justru. mungkin aja ente kurang romantis ato kurang seru gitu jadi doinya bawaannya garing... coba nyanyiin dia lagu modusin dia kali2... biar ada gregetnya lagi...
Well, I can promise you tomorrow But I can't buy back yesterday I wasn't there when you were happy I wasn't there when you were down I didn't mean to miss your birthday...
Kalau begitu dikomunikasikan aj sist, apa yg membuatnya lebih happy bersama teman"ny .. minta dia utk lebih terbuka ..