
Discussion in 'Ruang Curhat' started by Dullahan, 23 August 2016.

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  1. Dullahan

    Dullahan Active Member

    Reporting for my job i come across this place the outside locked up super tight but i sneak anyway
    now im hearing people screaming and passing up blood along the way
    By the time i figure it out i'm already way past too late
    Now these two bucked naked killers keeping tabs on me
    And this big butcher look jackass wont stop chasing me
    Right as i'm close to freedom a creepy preacher ruflins me
    And i'm back to being chases down by schizophrenic crazy ass freak
    They say
    If you trying to keep your head bro
    Suggest you hide under a bed bro
    This guy wants you dead the most fortunately his ass is toast talking shit like he's the man to end up murdered by a fan
    Fuckin genius
    Scary ghost
    Random penis
    I'm trying hard not to get caught again especialy after this guy tried to cut off my hands
    I'm just trying to make home in one piece
    So i can quit my reporting job that apparently doesn't care about me

    You cant fight
    Probily best to hide
    Walking around here aint too safe
    You better run fast
    Cause this fuckin place is
    Creep creep creepy

    Sory bad english
    Translate yah :c
  2. Hafan Fahuda

    Hafan Fahuda New Member

    What is the point? o_O
  3. Maiia

    Maiia Well-Known Member

    What the . . ? !

    Maybe you need some medicine bray
  4. Gue itu D

    Gue itu D Member

    Mungkin kantornya rusak :cool:
  5. Guitar Toss

    Guitar Toss Active Member

    May be you must to go to the psycolog already...
    Tell them what you're felling, like you always sweating because there is a man want to kill you, screaming to you, and he want to stab you.
    Your heartbeat gettin harder
    Your hand shaking
    You have a migran

    Oh baby... before it's too late...
    Maybe could i find some psycolog in your area?
    Fathiya likes this.
  6. Alakai

    Alakai Well-Known Member

    Sbenernya itu nyata atau cuma halusinasi lo aja sih ?
  7. Dullahan

    Dullahan Active Member

    Gak tau gue dikirimin gitu ma temen kantor gue
  8. Alakai

    Alakai Well-Known Member

    Aishhh jgn" itu lirik lagu -_-
  9. Dullahan

    Dullahan Active Member

    Lagu apa gan coba tebak :D
  10. Alakai

    Alakai Well-Known Member

    G tau...
  11. Dullahan

    Dullahan Active Member

    Tapi itu nyata gan
  12. Gue itu D

    Gue itu D Member

    Ngomong aja kalo kantor lu kebakar
  13. Alam Lukman

    Alam Lukman Well-Known Member

    btw. saya bisa ol hari ini karena sebuah kasus pembunuhan.
    jadi rada sensi. bisa lebih detail kejadiannya kapan? kayanya ceritain tragedi jaman jadul yah..
  14. Dullahan

    Dullahan Active Member

    Tentang wartawan bro dia sakit jiwa

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