Laki Laki Dan perempuan, I need advise

Discussion in 'Ruang Curhat' started by leo_kambing, 19 December 2017.

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  1. leo_kambing

    leo_kambing Member

    Aku suka this guy.
    Few weeks ago, he did confessed his love to me. And ofcourse, I accepted his confession.
    However, I told him that I don't want to do this "couple" thingy. I just want us to be like normally we do.
    Since we are in our mid 20s, So he did said okay on these. We became a special type of friend.

    We also didn't text much so basically our everyday communication is quite bad. We think that only do texting when there is an urgent matters. So we agreed on this.

    But what triggered me so much is that, he acted as if he never confessed.

    I would say that it's always been me who asked him out for dinner or watch movies.

    Why is that so? As if I am the one who confessed the love. And why am I the only one who try to make thing better. Bukan kah cinta itu perlu usaha. But I never see him trying. Well put aside for his confession though.

    Yes I know jodoh itu ditangan Tuhan. If we were meant to be, then in the end we will be together. Tetapi semua perlu usaha. So why am I trying kalau he is just like that.

    Should I just ignore him? And just wait for the jodoh to come.

    Please do advise me. What should I do?
  2. kuro

    kuro Active Member

    Berdoa saja yang banyak sapa tahu itu jodoh mu , kalo gak ya berarti tuhan punya yang lebih cocok untuk mu.
  3. Delilah

    Delilah Member

    Komunikasi itu hal yang paling basic di relationship ! Coba diajak ngobrol biar dia terbuka juga dengan kamu karena dia tidak bisa membaca pikiranmu dan juga kamu tidak bisa membaca pikiranmu. Ingat lho expectation is the root of all heartache !
    Kalajengking likes this.
  4. Delilah

    Delilah Member

  5. Kalajengking

    Kalajengking Well-Known Member

    sepertinya ada beberapa hal yg sebenarnya dia ngga "setuju"
    atau mungkin juga kamu terlalu kaku... coba lebih rilex dikit
  6. Hiden queen

    Hiden queen New Member

    Km nya pasti ada perasaan suka sedikit kan ama dia, makanya kasih harapan itu dg tujuan ingin liat usahanya dia
    Mungkin dia berfikir sudah ditolak dari awal secara halus buat apa usaha lg

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