Tes tipe kepribadian

Discussion in 'Ruang Curhat' started by dreamcalm, 4 January 2018.

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  1. Udahan

    Udahan New Member

    85 % cukup akurat dari tes kepribadian online kebanyakan. Screenshot_20180114-115128.png
  2. Nunu1234

    Nunu1234 Member

    Sebenernya, setelah aku tes pertama hasilnya INTP, tapi setelah tes kedua hasilnya INFP. Terimakasih atas tesnya
  3. playboicartifans

    playboicartifans New Member

  4. apple boy

    apple boy Member

    lanjutkan obrolan ini gan.. gue penasaran klo reply di thread ini lebih banyak dari reply thread admin ari, apakah posisi thread admin akan tergeser?
  5. Strongwoman

    Strongwoman New Member

  6. dreamcalm

    dreamcalm Member

    tritnya sticky wkwkw
  7. dreamcalm

    dreamcalm Member

    Realizing differentiation between 'what we wanna be' and 'what we should be' is the best way to define ourselves.

    "It is up to each person to recognize his or her true preferences."

    "Good type development can be achieved at any age by anyone who cares to understand his or her own gifts and the appropriate use of those gifts."

    "If you don't know what an extravert thinks, you haven't been listening. If you don't know what an introvert thinks, you haven't asked them!"

    "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

    "When people differ, a knowledge of type lessens friction and eases strain. In addition it reveals the value of differences. No one has to be good at everything."
  8. Fefei

    Fefei Active Member

    Masih bingung tiap ngambil test yg berbeda hasilnya juga beda
    Selalu di antara ini

    I - E pasti Introvert sih
    N - S nah ini sering bingung antara Sensing atau Intuition
    F - T lebih sering pake Feeling sih daripada Thinking
    J - P ini juga bingung sebenarnya saya ini Judging atau Perceiving

    Penasaran banget sampai googling ikutan macem2 test, sebenernya karakter saya yg mana haha
  9. dreamcalm

    dreamcalm Member

    N-Know it all

  10. Mooo

    Mooo New Member

    Attached Files:

  11. Me chan

    Me chan Member

    Ini ane .. ??
    Waktu tes stifin ane insting, banyak bgt ya tipe kepribadian ??

    Attached Files:

  12. dreamcalm

    dreamcalm Member

    ooh.. stifin ya. kelihatannya dia itu cuma analisis fungsi dominannya saja yaitu feeling, thinking, intuiting, dan sensing.masing-masing berpasangan dengan introvert & ekstrovert. nah, yang jadi nilai plus itu kok ada instingnya yah?? hmm... mungkin perpaduan dari beberapa tipe (masih perlu dipelajari lagi @_@). tapi yang jelas semua tipe kepribadian itu setara :) tergantung respon kita dalam menyikapi jenis hubungan apa yang terbaik terhadap tipe lain.
    Me chan likes this.

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